Two squadrons of Legion de Fischer Chasseurs a Cheval arrive to scout for the foe.

A closer look.

They dismount and advance to find the foe. Each squadron has one horseholder vignette.

We are now preparing for the annual light troop game on 5 December 1759/2009.
Soon the entire Legion de Fischer will be on our tabletops. Completion of the four squadrons of the Legion de Fischer Chasseurs á Cheval is the final component. Since late last year, Randy and I completed two battalions, two battalion gun crews plus four dragoon squadrons; mounted and dismounted.
Miniatures are 28mms from Eureka. Lovely designs and the horses are perfect. The actual casting is from the brand new Saxon SYW range. We're painting them as French as Fischer's light cavalry though. We will also have dismounted chasseurs in several action poses plus horse holder vignettes. These are shown below. Thank YOU Eureka! Images enlarge by clicking on them.
Camp scene above kindly on loan from the collection of Der Alte Fritz.

Elsewhere a section of chasseurs has dismounted.

Taking a look in several directions.

Personne à travers le stream non plus? Pas encore.
(Nobody across the stream either? Not yet.)

A last look.

Time to leave.