As the curtain rises three masked villains are bent on malevolence. But what?

Shots continue to be fired at the end of town. One man has been struck. Outside Capitaine Malecki's residence Lady Diana Pettygree (left in blue), her particular friend Lady Cherish Masquerade (in grey and pink), Maid Catherine (turned about), Capitaine Malecki (Rgt. de la Reine) and two young women are in peril. It is the moment of decision.
Malecki: "LADIES! Turn about and take cover!"

They instantly obey. The masked men follow drawing unfired pistols from their belts. But what's this? Capitaine Malecki's personal guard has formed up near the rear of his residence. He orders:
"Prenez garde a vous!" {Attention}
"Portez vos armes" {Shoulder arms}
"Haut les armes." {Port arms}
"Appretez vos armes." {Ready your arms}
"En joue." {Aim}


"FEU!" {FIRE!}
One soldier is hit.
The La Reines fire again and miss.
The La Reines fire again and miss.

The survivors ride for the road out of town when a body of Fusiliers de Fischer rise up from behind cover. Trapped! The Gallian commander demands their surrender.
Villain Leader: "NEVER!" Both fire another pistol.

The Fusiliers fire. A second scoundrel drops. The rogue leader attempts to jump a hedge to get away.

Too late. He realizes escape is impossible. Gallian infantrymen converge on him as a troop of mounted Dragoons de Fischer block his line of retreat.
Gallian Officer: "Surrender Sir!" He does.
Moments later the Ladies Pettygree, Masquerade, Catherine and l'Comte de Bastille (in blue) escort an elegant young woman finely dressed in black and green from within Bastille's residence.
Tradgardland Prinzessin Alisona: "Oui Monsieur l'Intendant. A fine scheme Monsieur l'Comte. [Pause] Monsieur, when is a trap - truly - a trap?
Bastille: "When the perpetrators are themselves snared in their own net. [Pause] And now, if I may take your leave for a moment."
Alisona: "Surely, you may."
Bastille: "Take that scalawag and his wounded comrades to Frankfurt Am Main and throw them in my Bastille. We'll soon discover who has employed them."
The curtain falls and quickly reascends presenting!
The flag is made up. (Flag Dude) We know of no flags for the Legion de Fischer yet.
In white: Capitaine Malecki's guard from Rgt. de la Reine. (Redoubt)

The trio of villains. (Outpost Miniatures Highwayman Collection artfully painted and kindly on loan from the studio of l'Comte de Artois; Randy F.)
Catherine (Suren), Cherish (John R.)and Diana (Suren)
Alisona (Front Rank)
Alisona (Front Rank)
Gallian Agents (Conquest Miniatures Alice and Cora on loan from Randy)
Now you know their mission. Names withheld, if you please.
Bastille (Suren)
Man in purple. That's you by the way. (Suren)
Soldiers in white (Surens)
Soldiers in white (Surens)
Farmer in blue waistcoat. (RSM from Hap J.)
Farmer on horseback (Hinchliffe)
Lady with musket. (RSM) Is she another Gallian agent? I'm not talk'n.
That Old Woman (Front Rank) Don't take your eyes off of her!
Weapons rules came straight out of Batailles de l'Ancien Regime 1740-1763. Yes it is possible to use this system for easy-going and fast skirmish games. See link to Old Regime Rules.
If you please, I would be honoured/honored if you would post comments.
Thank you.